Interested in implementing ALFAtwin to boost your hydrocarbon production?

Get in touch with our experts and discover how ESSS’s digital twin solution can increase efficiency and reduce costs in production operations.

The digital twin that can boost Petrobras production by up to 1% can improve your company’s performance, too

By integrating real-time asset data, simulations, and historical records, ALFAtwin delivers precise digital replicas of production systems, such as platforms, wells, flowlines and risers.

“We needed a system that was robust, commercial, sustainable, and scalable for all the company's offshore wells.”

Renata Baruzzi

Director of Engineering, Technology, and Innovation at Petrobras

Leverage ALFAtwin to obtain crucial information for decision-making, including well calibration, performance curves, platform optimization, and cooldown time to avoid hydrates formation.

Virtually test scenarios and quickly predict and solve problems in critical operations:

🔶 Reduce environmental and safety risks

🔶 Optimize asset placement

🔶 Enhance production efficiency

🔶 Anticipate potential flow assurance issues

🔶 Reduce time and costs linked to unscheduled events

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